Tinder/Bumble Castle of Cards 2 – Dating Advice 2 – Conversation and Dating Profile
The bottom advice works a little different if we’re looking at Bumble where a man can do nowt but wait for the lady to hopefully start the conversation with something wittier than “hi”. Unfortunately it is rarely the case and luckily most of the time it doesn’t matter to the male contributors, still grinds my gears though.
Online Dating Advice Part 2
Dating Profile section: Next is what to have as your profile text, I’d suggest filling this in if you’re name isn’t Bradley Cooper, Will Smith or Channing Tatum. In most cases it won’t be read but having it empty is far worse, effective ideas are your love for a particular kind of food or genre, what you do in your spare time sprinkled with humour, humour goes a long way.It’s much more fun to read “I love pancakes so much, I could marry one” than “I like pancakes”, okay that’s a weird example but you get the idea. You’re probably not a clone so try to be original.
Incase you missed part 1
Dating Advice 1 – Intro and Pictures
Rant time, things I don’t like on a girl’s dating profile:
- No one under 6 foot please, like the “please” makes it okay
- Only blk guyz, yes in that spelling
- Emoticon only profiles, because spelling is so 2016
- A link to your Instagram/twitter/snapchat page and finally
- Confrontational passive aggressive profiles like “lets match and then never talk”
I’m against blank profiles for girls too, but only because it becomes harder to come up with witty introductions, which brings us to our next section, conversation starters.
Conversation starters: If you were like me and never thought you’d need to entertain a woman 10 kilometers away using mostly your fingers and wit then your first messages were probably “Hi how are you?”. Now to most people that seems like a perfectly fine message to send, it’s polite, it’s open ended, it’s as exciting as going to your routine coffee shop asking for your regular caffeine hit from Joan who’s been there for 15 years giving you the same coffee with a smile and asking “Hi, how are you today?”.
My point is, girls on tinder get asked how they are so often that some of them put the answer on their profiles. Be original! Inspect a profile and mention something about their dog, their glasses, their damn forehead, literally anything but the potency of their day. In rare cases a quirky lady will put a fun statement or question on their profile that you can easily answer and embellish upon.
Part 3 – Keep em talking and Popping the Question